Setting the Thanksgiving Table

thanksgiving table setting

I can’t believe it’s that time of year already and the holidays are here. Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday. It celebrates a few of my favorite things: eating, shopping, and of course, being grateful (especially that I get to do both of the above). Plus, we get an extra day off.

I grew up eating our Thanksgiving meal on paper plates sitting on the couch in front of the TV. Now that I’ve been hosting Thanksgiving the last few years, I get a chance to use all the dinnerware that I’ve been accumulating since our wedding registry. This year, there will be 19 adults and 5 kids at the Thanksgiving table. Make that 3 tables: Our main dining table for the adults, the breakfast table for parents of small children, and next to it, the kiddie table. Our home decor is a mix of vintage and modern, so my tableware reflects that, even on a traditional holiday like Thanksgiving. This is our Thanksgiving table set up this year.

A couple of quick & easy inexpensive ways to dress the table:

Paper napkin rings: Using scalloped edge scissors, I cut strips of black construction paper, wrote the guests name using a white gel pen and wrapped around a napkin, fastening it with scotch tape. There’s something special about having a napkin ring and a name written for each placesetting, even if it’s just made out of paper.

Tin can flower vases: Since we have a long table, I think it’s better to have a few small flower arrangements in a row, rather than a big centerpiece. I like recycling my jam jars and cans to use as small flower vases. They’re free and versatile to dress up for any occasion. I wrapped the cans in brown paper and wrote messages of thanks. It lends a rustic and handmade feel to the modern setting.

Check out more Thanksgiving ideas on our Pinterest page.

-Catherine Lo